15 Minute difference

Universal Lithium Battery Supply (ULBS)’s battery systems are changing the way material handling is done. In just 15 minutes, companies are able to convert their existing lead acid material handling equipment to rapid charging, longer lasting, and maintenance free lithium-ion powered equipment. In doing so, they are able to save thousands of dollars and significantly increase their opperational productivity.


EASe of Conversion

1. Disconnect and remove the old lead acid battery from your machine.

2. Run the wires from the battery compartment to where you are mounting the new battery information display (BDI).

3. Mount the BDI to your equipment using the provided hardware.

4. Place the new ULBS lithium-ion battery pack into your machine and attach the battery connector and the display connector to their respective connections.


Lithium Advantage

In as little as 15 minutes, end-users are able to switch their equiment to a ULBS lithium-ion battery pack. By doing this, their equipment will run longer, rapidly charge, and can be opportunity charged without damanging the cells. In addition, the battery packs require ZERO maintenance. This means it doesn’t need to be watered or equalized. By using a lithium-ion battery pack users are also able save thousands over the total cost of ownership by not needing additional batteries to swap and using more efficient battery technology. Together these benefits provide end-users with the lithium-ion advantage.

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